On February 5th we will have Parents' Night and Sacramental Preparation.
Consider attending Mass at 5:30pm to begin the evening with prayer (optional).
Both Parents will be expected to attend with Father Esquiliano in the church.
- Father Esquiliano will talk about Lesson 8: The Fifth and Sixth Commandments and Lesson 9: The Seventh Through the Tenth Commandments.
Students need to report to the classroom or space assigned to their class.
- Catechists will do Lesson 8: The Fifth and Sixth Commandments and Words to Know.
- Catechists will review with the students the activities done at home about Lesson 7: The Fourth Commandment and The Domestic Church and words to Know.
Friendly reminder of important dates:
1. If you have not brought a copy of your child's baptismal certificate, you need to bring it as soon as possible before the end of February. If your children were baptized outside the Cathedral, St. Joseph or St. Boniface or send the information of when they were baptized in the churches mentioned above.
2. Parents need to inform Mrs. Santa Fernandez the day their children will celebrate the Sacrament of First Communion; they can come to notify her personally on February 12 during the second sacramental preparation class or they can call 712 255-1637 extension 111 or send an email to
santa.fernandez@sccathedral.org Date for the Celebration of First Communion all Masses will be in the cathedral.
Spanish Mass - Saturday May 3 at 6pm.
English Mass - Sunday May 4 at 10 am.
Spanish Mass - Sunday May 4 at 8:30am.
Spanish Mass- Sunday, May 4th at 12pm.